We thank the following contributors to our Indoor Facility Project:
Katrina Adams
Kent and Carolyn Agness
Anonymous (4)
Charan Annangudi
Steve Appel Family
Mikael and Laura Armstrong
Thomas and Anne Assante
Melissa Averitt
Anna Avery
Toni Bailey and Blossom Photography
Charles and Pat Balis
James Balis
Rene Barnard
Sarah Barney
Nishesh Basavareddy
Nishanth Basavareddy
Bill and Nan Bastain
In Memory of Sue Bastain
Richard and Mary Jane Baxter
Christine Beck
Patricia Bellin
In Memory of Jim Belt
Tom Bennett
Ray Benton
Susan Biederstedt
Bindley Family
Tag Birge
Mary Lou Bleecker
The Bleecker Women
In Memory of Ben Boleman
Terry and Bob Bowen
Greer and Tim Bowker
In Honor of Greer Bowker
Art and Carol Boyle
Patricia Bradshaw
Mark Branaman
Beth and Jeffrey Brandes
John and Lisa Brandt
John and Sue Brandt
Michael Brandt
Monica Brase
Yan Braun
Rhonda Breman
Briarwood Animal Clinic
Mischa Briggs
Bright Ideas
Matt and Donna Brown
Zoy Avgerinos Brown
In Honor of Ed Brune’s 80th Birthday
Daniel and Katie Brunette
Sean Buck
Byron Buckley
Conor Burns
Sandy and Susan Burns
Jerry and Barbara Burris
David and Donna Butcher
Robert Foster Buttrick
Stuart Buttrick
In Memory of Barbara Campbell (9)
Catherine Campbell
Elaine Carter
Marcella and Matthew Cava
Daniel Ceglio
Lezlie and Tony Ceglio
Amy Chappell
George and Anne Clark
Jim and Claire Clark
Janice and Matthew Cohoat
Carolyn Sihler Connors
Michael and Catherine Corsica
Howard Cowan Family
In Honor of Courtney Cox
Michael and Patricia Craycraft
Betsy and Casey Cronin
Donald Crowe
Charles and Elisabeth Culp
Carole Cusick
Mary Lou Piatek Daniels
Gary Davis
Jane and Edward Davis
Jody Reel Davis
Drew Davis
Patrick and Katie DeLisle
In Memory of Jean DeValerio
Patrick and Pamela DeValerio
In Honor of Alek Devidze
George and Carrie Devidze
In Honor of Luca Devidze
Ann Dickinson
Richard and Helen Dickinson
Rebecca and Robert Dittus
Clarence and Judy Doninger
Dryer and Reinbold
Nancee and Patrick Duffy
Jim and Mary Durlacher
Tyleen Eckhart
Jeremy Edesses
Nick Ehrmann
Larry and Claudette Einhorn
Laura Trimble Elbogen
In Memory of Dan Elliott
Fred and Cynthia Emhardt
Engel Family
Bill and Edie Enright
Katherine Evans
Faegre Baker Daniels Foundation
John and Jill Failey
FC Tucker
Brian Fennerty
Sarah Collet Ferguson
Spencer and Kaitlin Fields
Diana Fisher
Melissa and Phil Fitch
In Honor of Melissa Raikos Fitch
Tim and Jill Fletchall
Broc Fletcher
Paul and Nancy Fogle
Martha Ford
Jock Fortune
Jeffrey Freed and Family
Richard Freije
Debra Hahn Fulford
Shirley P Gallagher
David Garlock
Reid Garlock
Carol Gartlan
The Geller Family
Mark and Carol Gentry
In Memory of Daniel Gentry
David Gerstein
Jim Gidcumb
In Memory of James and Sarah Gidcumb
Allen and Leanne Gillespie
Dee and Babs Givens
GJS Partnerships
Kevin and Susan Gregory
Perry and Michelle Griffith
Christine Grissom
Grogan Family
Jeffrey and Katherine Haas
Kate Meyer Haas
In Memory of Bob Hall
Tom and Gretchen Hall
Barbara and George Hamilton
Elise Hanley
Barbara Hasbrook
Ryan Hasbrook
Wendy Hasser
In Honor of Wendy and James Hasser
Gordon Hayward
Anna Hazlett
Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis
In Memory of Judy Heidenreich
Barbara and Eugene Helveston
Henkel Family
Brian and Sheila Henry
Craig Herrman
Sara Herrman
Lynda Hinshaw
Sue Hirschman
Tony and Ellen Hocker
Jim and Billie Hollenbeck and Family
In Memory of Brad Holmes (2)
Jill Patterson Holvoet
Hoover Family Foundation
Charles and Jana Hora
Barbara and George Hoster
Terry and Mary Kay Housinger
In Memory of Bill Hudnut
Liane Groth Hulka
In Memory of Bill Hurst
Catherine Hurst
Needham and Mary Lou Hurst
Rick and Lisa Hurst
Rosalie Hurst
Peter and Heather Iffert
In Memory of Bob Hall
Indianapolis Community Tennis Association
Indianapolis Junior Tennis
Evie Infanger
Interactive Intelligence Foundation
Michael Johnson
David and Suzanne Jones
Maureena and Chuck Jones
Ralph Kahn
Joe and Mary Pat Kalbas
Bob and Troy Kassing
Sherry Kassing
Barry and May Katz
Randall and Stephanie Kelso
Anne Pittman Kelton
In Memory of Anne A. Kennedy
Patsy Kennedy
Meghan DeMars Kiger
Joie Kipka
China Kirk
Paul and Gigi Kite
Jennifer and Jeff Kittle
Jane Klingaman
Barry Klopstadt
Greg Klopstadt
Drew Kogan
Amy and Paul Koscielski
Katie Krise-Hopper
In Memory of Mary Lou Krise
Jane and Barry Kroot
Martin and Natalie Kroot
David Kurlander
Stephen and Lynn Lacagnin
Susanne and Gerry LaFollette
Philip and Wendy Larman
Laurent Lassalle
Carolyn and Rich Learey
Soren Leichter
Gordon and Judy Levering
Lilly Endowment
In Memory of Elizabeth Linder
Shelley Lloyd-Hankinson
Paul and Kathy Loggan
Jim and Sarah Lootens
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Lord
Dr. John and Judy Lowe
The Tom Lugar Family
In Memory of Tom Lugar (2)
Richard and Charlene Lugar
Scott and Teresa Lugar
Todd and Linda Lugar
Gretchen Luros
MacAllister Machinery Company
Ilia MacDonald
Joy MacLean
Steve Madawick
Ash Mahenthiran
Ajay Mahenthiran
George and BJ Maley
Jane Malless
Chad Marsh
Nancy Martin
Jim and Linda Mathews
Nancy McFerron
Bob McKinney
Katherine McKinney
Kevin McKinney
Megan McLarty
Heather and Matthew McLaughlin
Jones McNamar
Wendy and Richard McNamar
Chris and Katy McPeek
Colin McPeek
Mehall Family
Ron Mencias
The Mercer Family
Jim and Jane Merritt
Robert and Gayle Meyer
Midwestern Tennis Association
Deborah Miller
Ron and Gail Miller
Stephanie Perry Milliken
Jane Wright Mitchell
Rosalie Molloy
Joan and Dan Morris
Nancy Morris
Don Morrison
Elizabeth and John Morton
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe
Sally Murdock
Molly and Rich Murphy
Muscles and Munchkins
The Munn Family
Andrea Neal
Philip and Susan Nicely
Kelly and Andrew Noga
Jane Nolan
Denny and Donna Oklak
In Honor of Lochan Rayulu Pagadala
In Honor of Manogna Pagadala
Palmer Family
Anne Pantzer
Muriel Patterson
MC Pennington
Helen and Jim Petersen
Nancy Peterson
Paul Petticrew
Rich and Liz Pilnik
Susan Sinclair Pluss
Cory Poland
Anna Possokhova
Tom and Suzy Primavera
Jim and Paula Pritchard
Jim and Leigh Purcell
Doug Purdy
Ginny Purdy
John Raikos
Dr. and Mrs. George Rapp
Yale Reardon
Jennifer and Anton Reed
Robin and Duane Reeder
In Memory of Frenchy and Ann Reel
Jenny and Rick Reifeis
Dr. Art and Bonnie Rettig
In Memory of Frank Rexroth (2)
Paul and Mary Rexroth
Carolyn Meyer Richardson
Bonnie and Tom Riley
In Memory of Jim Rogers
Mary and Randy Rogers
Douglas Rose
Sharon Rosenburgh
Matt Rosio
Jeff Rothstein
Unson and Kenny Ruiz
In Honor of Brooke Sagalowsky
Cristy Sagalowsky
Tom and Susie Sams
Chuck and Delinia Sanchilli
Savka Family
Brian and Karen Saylor
Brianna Saylor
Jagger Saylor
In Memory of Ann Schaefer
Schmidt Associates
Tim and Michelle Schumm
Alan Schwartz
James Seidensticker
In Honor of Beurt and Cory Servaas
Eric Servaas
Joan Servaas
In Memory of Kerry Seward
Jason and Elizabeth Sewell
In Memory of Donna Shea
David and Audrey Shepard
Pat and John Sieloff
Judy Singleton
Diana Simon Mimms
David and Jacqueline Simon
Herb Simon Family Foundation
Steve Simon
Judy Singleton
Annie Skelton and Joe Primavera
Richard and Tracy Smikle
In Honor of Bryan Smith
Jeff and Debbie Smith
Jonelle Smith
Pearson Smith
Alan and Betty Stanford
Susie and Evan Steger
Randy and Cindy Stehlik
Joe Stimming
Daniel and Marianne Stout
Barbara and Veigh Summers
Nancy and Brent Sutton
David Taylor and Milbrey Rennie
Julie Lappas Termini
Tim Schumm Photography
In Memory of Richard Tinkam
Tournament Tennis
Trailing Arbutus Garden Club
John and Ann Trimble
Nancy and Allison Turner
USTA Midwest Section
Jonathan and Shari Vegosen
Rosie and Ed Vianco
Harry Wade, Jr.
Stephen and Courtney Wagner
Steven and Joann Wahle
Steve and Carol Wakefield
Jim and Phyllis Walker
Paul Wang
Mike Welch
Michael and Karen Wendowski
Eugene and Jettis White
Jonathan and Taylor Whitham
Claire and Brian Wiegel
Kay and Fred Wightman
Willette Family
Marilyn Williams
Larry and Norma Wilson
William E Winingham
Charles and Erin Winings
David Wu
Fred and Susie Wurster
In Honor of Barbara Wynne (2)
Barbara and John Wynne
In Memory of Cary Wynne (2)
In Honor of Emma Wynne
In Honor of Gregory Wynne
In Memory of John Wynne (16)
In Honor of John Wynne III
Katie Wynne and Oliver Han
In Honor of Katie Wynne
In Honor of Korey Wynne
Nancy Wynne
Robert and Kathy Wynne
In Memory of Thomas N. Wynne
In Honor of Tucker Wynne
Lynn Young
Gene and Mary Ann Zink
In Honor of 2000 NC Men’s Tennis Seniors